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Coaching Staff

Head Coach

Edward Salgado





Education: Graduated from Mount Vernon High, Associates Degree from TESST Technology

Soccer Experience: I played for 13 years including high school, recreation youth and amateur men’s league. This will be my first time coaching the game.

Years Involved with FHS: 1 year as a parent spectator.

Other Favorite Activities: I love spending time with my family. I also enjoy a lazy day at the beach. And I have recently started gardening which I enjoy very much.

List church and/or youth group you’re involved in: I attend Iglesia Biblica de la Gracia in Alexandria VA

Why do you want to coach soccer? I’ve always wanted to coach the sport and since my twin boys are joining the team this was my opportunity to do so.

Anything else you want us to know? I’m excited to get the season started and hope to have fun while also helping the players develop their skills.

Assistant Coach

Joseph Hildebrand





Education: Current college student.

Soccer Experience: Six years of FHS soccer and several years of travel soccer BAC.

Years Involved with FHS: Six years.

Other Favorite Activities: Fishing, running, frisbee (ultimate and disk), hiking, boating, and spending time with family and friends.

List church and/or youth group you’re involved in: St Raymond of Penafort Catholic Church.

Why do you want to coach soccer? I enjoy the challenge and opportunity to share what I've learned with others, and to help the players improve - both individually and as a team.

Anything else you want us to know? I'm looking forward to this season and seeing just how far the middle school team can go.

Team Manager

Laura Icardi   





Soccer Experience: None.

Years Involved with FHS: First year

Other Favorite Activities: Reading, gardening, making kombucha, writing/editing

List church and/or youth group you’re involved in: Del Ray Baptist Church

Anything else you want us to know? I’m very not-sportsy and will happily admit how little I know about all sports, including (especially?) soccer. I’m happy to serve, though, and I’m excited to build relationships together.