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Training Resources

Conditioning, Stretching and Warmups

Dynamic Warmups:

  1. Leg swings (forward and back, side to side; hips straight, controlled motion)
  2. Heels waddle (straight legs, toes up, walk on heels)
  3. Toes waddle (straight legs, walk on toes, heels up)
  4. Open the gate (90 degree knee, rotate outward, land; switch legs)
  5. Close the gate (90 degree knee perpendicular, rotate inward, land; switch legs)
  6. Skips with arm circles (straight back, rotate shoulders)
  7. Side Shuffle with clap (squat, shuffle to the side, arms up and down)
  8. A March (90 degree knees, toes up, land on forefoot)
  9. A Skips (like A march but skip)
  10. High Knees (knees at 90, quick strides)
  11. Backwards Walk (reach heel back & extend, move arms)
  12. Backwards Run (stay low, extend back leg, move arms)
  13. Striders (put it together with your BEST FORM; gradually decelerate)

Dynamic Cooldown:

  1. Leg swings (forward and back, side to side; hips straight, controlled motion)
  2. Heels waddle (straight legs, toes up, walk on heels)
  3. Toes waddle (straight legs, walk on toes, heels up)

Static Stretching (sitting versions):

  1. Hurdlers (sit one leg straight out, the other folded and meeting the first at the knee; keeping leg straight, bend down toward knee of your straight leg)
  2. Butterfly (sit feet together; bring feet toward groin and knees toward ground)
  3. Hollywoods (sit one leg straight out, the other leg crossed over with foot on the ground next to knee of straight leg; turn toward cross leg, with elbow on that quad; stretches the lower back and hip)
  4. Quads (sit one leg straight out, the other on the ground with knee bent back; lower the torso toward the ground to stretch the quad of the bent leg)
  5. Hip flexor (front leg with knee on ground and lower leg side-to-side; kneel with rear leg)
  6. Calves (arch body with hands on ground and one foot flat on ground, stretching that calf)
  7. Shins (legs together straight forward, point toes forward, reach toward toes)
  8. Ankle rotations (slow rotations with full range of motion)

Static Stretching (standing versions):

  1. Runners’ lunge (front leg in lunge position, both hands on ground for balance, rear leg extended back; stretch front hamstring)
  2. Groin stretch (feet straight forward and legs apart; bend one knee and shift weight toward that leg which stretches the opposite groin)
  3. Right-over-left and left-over-right (keep knees straight, reach toward ground)
  4. Quads (stand on one leg, grabbing other leg near ankle and pulling it back; but don’t fully collapse the knee!)
  5. Hip flexor (weight on left leg, bring right foot behind left leg, bend into left hip)
  6. Calves and shins (toe and heel raises)
  7. Ankle rotations (slow rotations with full range of motion)

Abs and arms:

  1. Crunches (with partner anchoring feet, arms crossed on chest, hit small of back to ground and arms to upper legs)
  2. Russian twists (crunch position, rotate torso until elbow hits ground, alternating left and right)
  3. Leg raises (on back, lift both legs straight up, then lower to 2-3 inches off ground)
  4. Pushups (hands shoulder-width apart; can vary width to work other muscles)
  5. Leg V’s (on back, keep both legs 5-6 inches off ground; make a V with the legs, then back to the middle)
  6. Mountain climber (like plank but on hands; bring left knee up to right elbow, return to start, then right knee-left elbow)

Hips and glutes:

  1. Skaters – Jump to the right, bring your left foot behind you, and bring your left arm in front of you. Jump to the left, bring your right arm in front of you and your right foot behind you.
  2. Clams – Lay on side, raise and lower top leg
  3. Donkeys – On hands and knees, kick back and up
  4. Fire hydrants – On hands and knees, raise leg to side while keeping knee bent
  5. Glute bridge – Lay on back with knees up, raise abdomen, hold 3 seconds

Leg strengthening:

  1. Calves – Toe and heel raises
  2. Squats (feet shoulder-width, keep chest up, lower hips until thighs almost parallel to ground)
  3. Lunges (step forward until both legs are at 90 degrees, use arms)
  4. Reverse lunges (step backward until both legs are at 90 degrees, use arms)
  5. Leg swings (forward and back, side to side; hips straight, controlled motion)